Eat your way to excellent hair and scalp

Eat Your Way to Excellent Hair and Scalp

Can an apple a day keep bad hair away?

  • Several open coconuts

    Fresh Fruits for a Fresher Scalp


    Ladies, we get that you're busy. It's easy to miss on chopping up some fruits between meals through your day - but this means you're losing out on vitamins essential to not just your body, but also your hair and scalp. Find some time to have a few quick bites of fruit at your desk or as a sweet, post-workout treat. Citrus fruits like orange are an especially great source of vitamin C, which helps keep your scalp and hair nourished from boardroom to dancefloor.

  • Person cutting open a coconut

    Cut the Coffee


    When you need an extra mid-day boost, it's hard not to reach for your fifth cuppa joe. Too much caffeine can dry out your scalp and leave those tresses looking limp. Instead, try having some fruit juice for a refreshing perk-me-up that will leave you feeling fresh and your hair and scalp feeling energised as well. Say bye to that 3pm slump and hello to full-day freshness!

  • Coconut with glass of coconut oil

    Save Your Scalp With Salmon


    What's there not to love about this pink, buttery dish? There're many fish out in the sea, but salmon can provide nutrition to your hair and scalp. Packed with vitamin D, protein and omega-3 fatty acids, salmon helps keep your scalp healthy and your hair looking luscious. Bonus: This kind of low-calorie fish can be eaten raw, baked, grilled... and in just about any way and is quick to prepare for you busy ladies out there.

  • fresh fruits

    Always Have Some Avocado


    Avocado has been a mainstay on the superfood list, and we know you love adding it into your milkshakes and salads for a quick, guilt-free hunger fix. But did you know that it also does wonders to your hair? That's right, the creamy fruit is rich in vitamins B and E, which help keep your scalp healthy and naturally healthy-looking hair. Avocado can even be used as a DIY hair mask on days your locks are feeling limp, so stock 'em up on your next grocery shopping trip.

  • fresh fruits

    The Veggie Strategy


    Nothing spells health like green vegetables. Spinach and broccoli are an awesome source of vitamins and anti-oxidants that supply your scalp with loads of essential nutrients. Eating them raw gives you the best effect, but we know - some of you find them less than appetising, so drizzle on some light dressing and get a regular dose in your diet to keep it well-balanced. trust us, you won't regret it when your locks become the best accessory to all your outfits.