Dealing with an itchy scalp? While you might think scratching will relieve the discomfort you feel, the truth is, it won’t. Digging away at your scalp like this causes damage to its protective barrier and consequently impacts your hair’s healthy look and feel. But not all is lost, as finding out the common itchy scalp causes and scalp treatments can help you to remedy this issue.
There are a variety of reasons why you might have an itchy scalp and if you want to get to the root of the problem, our guide is here to help. Read on to learn what causes your scalp to itch and discover the ways you can stop this.
What Causes Itchy Scalp?
If you’re constantly scratching your head because of an itchy scalp, it could be because you’re dealing with something more serious, like dandruff. Malassezia (the fungus that causes dandruff) irritates the scalp, making it itch and flake.
Other itchy scalp causes like dryness of the scalp and having an oily scalp are less serious, but if they are accompanied with dandruff, you’ll need to make sure to use hair products that can target both hair concerns.
You might be surprised to learn that the weather can also affect your scalp. If you live in a cold, dry climate, you might notice your scalp is dryer and feel that urge to scratch your head. The same goes for hot and humid weather, which can make your scalp feel clammy and irritated.
What Causes Dry Scalp?
If your scalp’s feeling tight and itchy, you may just have a dry scalp. The condition occurs when your scalp loses too much moisture due to factors like over-washing or conditions such as eczema. Luckily, most of these dry scalp causes can be easily remedied with moisturizing hair products.
Be sure to treat your scalp with a shampoo like CLEAR Complete Soft Care Anti-dandruff Shampoo with amino acids to provide nourishment and hydration on your scalp, it works to end recurring dandruff concerns. Just don’t forget to follow up with moisturizing scalp conditioner, too.
For more serious skin conditions, always consult with a doctor to figure out your next steps and which scalp treatments you should be using.
What Causes Oily Scalp?
Everyone’s scalp has natural oils, but sometimes you can produce excessive amounts of these oils causing your scalp and hair to look greasy. Furthermore, your lifestyle, genetics, what you eat, and even the environment, can play a part in triggering and oily scalp.
Having an oily scalp makes you prone to dandruff, so it’s important to prevent and manage this with an anti-dandruff shampoo. The great thing about these types of shampoos is the fact they have grease-fighting abilities, which can help you keep oil at bay while eliminating embarrassing flakes.
The main thing to do when you have a greasy scalp is keep up a good hair washing routine. Remember: a clean and clear scalp is the key to healthy-looking hair.
What Scalp Treatments Can Help an Itchy Scalp?
For those dealing with dandruff and an itchy scalp, you’ll be able to get instant relief from that prickly feeling and target dandruff with an anti-dandruff shampoo. This scalp treatment is also ideal for those with oily scalps, as the right shampoo will effectively remove excess sebum while fighting dandruff.
To remedy a dry scalp, you’ll need to up your moisture game. Go for moisturizing shampoos and make sure to treat your scalp to a hydrating scalp conditioner, masks, and treatments such as oils to prevent dryness and stop the itching from coming back.
Not noticing a difference in the look of your scalp and hair’s health? If your itching gets worse, make sure to get in touch with your doctor who can prescribe you with the necessary products for your scalp concern.
Now that you know all the common itchy scalp causes, you can find the right scalp treatment for you.