Scalp care for healthy-looking hair

Scalp Care for Healthy-looking Hair

Keep scalp healthy and get healthy-looking hair with our easy tips.

  • Several open coconuts

    A Wash a Day Keeps Dandruff Away


    We're all guilty of skipping a hair wash now and then. But as a go-getter, you're probably always out and about in the bustling, polluted city. All that grime and sweat from a day's action may cause you to have an oily scalp, and put you at a higher risk of dandruff. A greasy scalp is a big no-no, so clock in those shower hours and rinse daily to stay fresh.

  • Person cutting open a coconut

    Beat Dandruff With a Massage


    Massages get you relaxed, revitalised and going "ahhh" at the end of the day. A head massage improves blood circulation, which carries essential nutrients to the scalp and removes away wastes. It even helps distribute your natural scalp oils to the rest of your locks, for a healthy scalp and healthy-looking hair.

  • Coconut with glass of coconut oil

    Shield Your Scalp From the Sun


    We all take special care to shield our face and body from UV rays with sunscreen and SPF. But what have you done for your scalp? This neglected area of skin needs just as much protection from the sun, so keep your scalp covered to prevent it from prolonged sun-damage. Enjoy the extra excuse for forgoing hair styles in place of wearing a cap.

  • fresh fruits

    Get Active for Healthier Hair


    If you’ve got that fitspiration lifestyle going, here’s one more perk to working out: it promotes healthy-looking hair growth by increasing the flow of beneficial nutrients to your scalp. A high-intensity workout packed with burpees, battle ropes and crunches rid your scalp of wastes, while stretching promotes a better flow of nutrients to your scalp. Abs aren't the only reason to sweat it out - a sexier body means a stronger scalp.

  • fresh fruits

    Don't Dry Out Your Scalp


    Nothing beats getting into a hot, steamy shower at the end of a long day. Watch out when you turn up the heat - rinsing with overly hot water can damage your scalp. This, along with excessive blow drying, makes your scalp in a weaker condition, leaving it barren like the Sahara. Instead, bathe in lukewarm water to keep bath time relaxing while going easy on your scalp.