5 keys to head-turning hair

5 keys to head-turning hair

Essentials for helping your hair and scalp looking great.

  • Several open coconuts

    Hands Off Your Hair And Scalp


    Itchy fingers? You heard it from us first: quit picking at your scalp! Your fingers are coated in pore-clogging dirt and bacteria, so frequently touching your scalp makes it irritated. As an added bonus (or just basic hygiene, really), wash your hands and keep them clean always. But it's easy to forget where your grimy grubbers have been through the day, so break the bad habit.

  • Person cutting open a coconut

    Get A Flattering Haircut


    We'd like to be that cool, adventurous person that can pull off any avant-garde hairdo. The painful truth is, not all of us suit Mohawks and mullets. But even with simple haircuts, it's important to pick one that flatters your face shape and brings out the best of your features. Grab your most trusty barber and work with him to find out which hairstyle flaunts your hair best.

  • Coconut with glass of coconut oil

    Lay Off The Hair Styling


    Special occasions demand the sharpest hairstyles - slicked-back, coiffed, the Pouf (long live King Elvis). However, changing hair styles too often may clog pores and irritate the scalp, restricting the flow of nutrients to the hair. Let your scalp breathe by going natural as much as possible, or get a haircut that keeps you looking fresh and clean.

  • fresh fruits

    No Over-washing


    An apple a day keeps the doctor away... and bad hair at bay. Fresh fruits contain anti-oxidants that nourish your scalp. Citrus fruits have the added bonus of vitamin C, which boosts your hair's radiance and keeps it shiny. Have a serving of fruit daily to make your scalp fresher than a newly-picked berry, and your hair looking its healthiest.

  • fresh fruits

    Spring Clean Your Scalp


    Even the best of us are guilty of missing a hair wash now and then. So, you'd be surprised that many men wash their hair more than once a day, especially those living in humid climates. Ease on the shampooing, as over-washing strips your scalp of essential oils and leave hair looking limp and dry. Remember to condition well, and keep to washing once daily for healthy hair.