Scratching your head could mean a few things. Maybe you’re relieving a slight tingle, or just feeling extremely puzzled, because an itchy scalp cannot be easily relieved from scratching.
This kind of infuriating itch is a common condition often linked with inflamed and broken skin under the hair, or a rash on the scalp. Don’t start assuming the itch will go away - its causes range from dandruff to psoriasis, which can likely worsen if not dealt with it in the right way. Read on as we tell you how to identify it and snuff the prickling out.
Dandruff falling on your favourite shirt like snow on Christmas morning? The pesky white flakes are a common partner-in-crime to itchy scalp. An overgrowth of yeast called Malassezia causes the scalp to be inflamed, leading to a plague of itching and flaking. If your itchy scalp is associated with dandruff, under-washing your hair could be aggravating it further, leading to a pileup of oil and dead skin cells.
To get your scalp free from dandruff, use CLEAR Dry Scalp & Itch Control Shampoo with Lavender extract gives you quick relief from dryness, itching and irritation while boosting your scalp’s protective barrier against dandruff, ending recurring dandruff concern* and itching^.
Seborrheic dermatitis affects oily surfaces on your body, such as the scalp and face. The result? A red, itchy rash, patches of dry skin and - you guessed it - dandruff.
A close cousin of seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis is a skin ailment that also produces symptoms like itchy scalp, soreness and dandruff. But don’t confuse the two conditions - psoriasis affects a larger area that goes beyond the hairline and may even cause unsightly and visible scaly patches or thick crusts.
If you suspect Seborrheic Dermatitis or Psoriasis, we recommend you consult your dermatologist to understand your condition and seek recommendation for suitable treatment.
Got our tips jotted down? With the right steps and a good shampoo like CLEAR’s, there’ll be no looking back to a life of itching and scratching - say hello to confidence and freshness instead.
^associated with dandruff
*no visible flakes with regular use

Seborrheic dermatitis affects oily surfaces on your body, such as the scalp and face. The result? A red, itchy rash, patches of dry skin and - you guessed it - dandruff.
A close cousin of seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis is a skin ailment that also produces symptoms like itchy scalp, soreness and dandruff. But don’t confuse the two conditions - psoriasis affects a larger area that goes beyond the hairline and may even cause unsightly and visible scaly patches or thick crusts.
If you suspect Seborrheic Dermatitis or Psoriasis, we recommend you consult your dermatologist to understand your condition and seek recommendation for suitable treatment.

Got our tips jotted down? With the right steps and a good shampoo like CLEAR’s, there’ll be no looking back to a life of itching and scratching - say hello to confidence and freshness instead.